November 23, 2021 From rOpenSci ( Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under the CC-BY license.
When GitHub announced support for CITATION.cff files I though of creating a package that would assist R developers in this matter. I was already using codemetar for most of my packages, so I was familiar with the creation of these kind of metadata files.
I borrowed some ideas from codemetar, although I decided to create most of my code from scratch (I enjoy challenging myself, and there is no better way of learning). Finally, the first working version of cffr was released on September 15, 2021.
One of the things I had always in mind is that cffr should be able to work with any R package, no matter if it was available on CRAN, Bioconductor, the R-universe or exclusively on GitHub/GitLab. So when I finished the initial version, I needed to test it with the largest possible number of packages.
I started setting up a testthat1 test in a
folder which I ignored in .Rbuildignore. This test was basically a
over all the R packages installed
where I created the corresponding cff
object for each package and validated
it. Finally, the test created a small report in
with the summary of the results.
This setup was fine and worked locally, I just needed to run:
# Load package
# Run the tests
And voilà! The Markdown report was created in
However I was not completely comfortable with this setup. Locally, I have installed ~200 packages, and it seemed to me like a small sample (CRAN hosts more than 18,300 packages), so I needed to enlarge that sample. Also, I didn’t want to install more packages on my computer just for testing, so the question was: how do I achieve this?
The alternative approach seemed pretty obvious: using CI with GitHub Actions. So basically I created this workflow integrating the previous script2.
But still there were some open questions, such as: how do I select a meaningful sample of R packages?
The action
was already included in my workflow, so I started using the extra-packages
option to install the tidyverse and tidymodels. I decided to start with these
two packages as they import some of the most popular R packages. Also, extra
points for r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies
as it uses caching for the
installed packages, meaning that subsequent deploys would be significantly
So it was a good start in my quest to test cffr on a large sample of packages, but I was still not there…
Do you know CRAN Task Views? These are useful collections of packages classified by relevant topics. With the ctv package3, it is quite straightforward to install the packages included in each of those views. I decided then to install the core packages of all views, in order to increase my package sample:
# Install core packages of all views
options(repos = c(
CRAN = ""
allviews <- ctv::available.views()
packs <- lapply(seq_len(length(allviews)), function(x) {
packs <- dplyr::bind_rows(packs)
core <- dplyr::filter(packs, core == TRUE)
Out of interest, there are a total of 4,276 packages included in the CRAN
Task Views (in the packs
object) and 286 core packages (in the core
R-universe by Jeroen Ooms is a wonderful project that, apart of the functionality of acting as a CRAN-like repo, includes several other components. One of those components is a specific API Endpoint for every R-universe with some very useful resources, such as the ability to retrieve a list of all the packages included in each R-universe.
This fit perfectly with my needs, so my next step was to retrieve packages of selected R-universes:
I selected these well-known organizations as they host a lot of popular packages among useRs. Also, my hope was that other developers would have at some point checked the DESCRIPTION and the inst/CITATION of many of these packages as the starting point for developing their own (as I usually do 😁), so these packages could be considered representative enough.
Extracting a list of packages from an R-universe is as easy as:
# rOpenSci packages from R-universe
ropensci <- unlist(jsonlite::read_json(""))
ropenscireviewtools <- unlist(jsonlite::read_json(""))
# r-lib packages
rlib <- unlist(jsonlite::read_json(""))
# R-Forge packages
rforge <- unlist(jsonlite::read_json(""))
# RStudio packages
rstudio <- unlist(jsonlite::read_json(""))
# r-spatial packages
rspatial <- unlist(jsonlite::read_json(""))
And I joined all the retrieved packages into a single object all
all <- sort(unique(c(core$name, ropensci, ropenscireviewtools, rlib, rforge, rstudio, rspatial)))
That makes a grand total of 925 packages. At this point, I was quite happy with the sample, since it included a large set of relevant packages.
I was almost there! Now, the last step was just to install these packages and test them.
With the aim of improving performance, I filtered out the packages already installed on the system like this:
# Check packages not installed yet
instpack <- as.character(installed.packages()[, "Package"])
toinstall <- setdiff(all, instpack)
I also decided to install most of the packages directly from CRAN, except those belonging to rOpenSci. For these packages, I decided to use the R-universe server, so I would have a mix of CRAN and R-universe packages in my sample for testing purposes:
The following script does the trick:
# Install
options(repos = c(
ropensci = "",
ropenscireviewtools = "",
CRAN = ""
dependencies = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, quiet = TRUE,
type = "binary"
# Update
update.packages(type = "binary")
Note that I installed the packages using dependencies = TRUE
. This forces the
installation of the packages from Depends, Imports and Suggest, so by doing this
I was substantially increasing the overall number of packages installed by my
GitHub Actions. Thanks to caching, on a regular run the previous process of
installing packages takes less than 4 minutes on GitHub. That, in my opinion, is
more than satisfactory4.
Then, it was just a matter of running the first chunk presented in this blog post as part of the GitHub Actions:
# Load package
# Run the tests
I also created a step (named “Display results”) that basically prints the output
of the Markdown report. The last bits were to include a scheduled run via
and to use the action
update the final report after each run.
See here an extract of the results of the last run:
# Test ALL installed packages
## Sessioninfo
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows Server x64 (build 17763)
Matrix products: default
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
< omitted >
## Summary
[1] "testing a sample of 1930 installed packages"
## OK rate
[1] "99.74%"
## Errors
< omitted >
At this stage, I was ready to check cffr with a broad number of packages. This workflow has been really useful for detecting corner cases not initially covered in the first release, so after several iterations I now feel comfortable with the compatibility of cffr with a large number of representative R packages.
On subsequent runs (once the packages are cached) the whole workflow run takes ~13 minutes on Windows and ~8 minutes on macOS. This allows me to rapidly test any improvement of the package.
After validating the metadata of hundreds of packages, there are some thoughts that I would like to share:
cffr was able to produce valid cff
objects for 1,925 packages out of
1,9305. I opened a couple of
requests on some of the
failing packages where I saw a clear mistake in the metadata. So in some
ways this exercise could be also used to improve other packages by detecting
typos, etc. in the metadata.
The DESCRIPTION files are pretty
and usually they are not a problem for cffr. However,
are tricky (Do you have a inst/CITATION? Do you still use
instead of
? Maybe you use meta
information from your DESCRIPTION or you use
citation(auto = meta)
?). This
was the most difficult issue to solve when developing the package.
There are differences between the accepted keys on bibentry()
, BibTeX and
field of a CITATION.cff file. I tried to map those as best I could,
suggestions welcomed!
One thing I did after completing this process was to make use of the
function instead of citEntry()
in the inst/CITATION files of all
my packages. I chose this since the syntax is very similar to BibTeX, and the
function also provides guidance on the possible entry types, as well as specific
validity checks.
And that’s all! If you have any suggestions for how to improve the current validation workflow, I would be glad to hear it and include it in my checks.
Wickham H (2011). “testthat: Get Started with Testing.” The R Journal, 3, 5–10. ↩︎
The workflow is derived from r-lib/actions/tree/master/examples. ↩︎
Zeileis A (2005). “CRAN Task Views.” R News, 5(1), pp. 39–40. ↩︎
Note also the use of type = "binary"
. The workflow runs on Windows and
macOS, so in order to speed up the process I instructed to install the
precompiled versions. For that very same reason, I didn’t run this full test
on Linux, since it would be necessary to compile every package from source. ↩︎
At the moment of writing, CRAN hosted 18,369 packages, so the testing sample is ~10.5% of the overall number of packages on CRAN. ↩︎