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The ssh Package: Secure Shell (SSH) Client for R

Have you ever needed to connect to a remote server over SSH to transfer files via SCP or to setup a secure tunnel, and wished you could do so from R itself? The new rOpenSci ssh package provides a native ssh client in R allows you to do that and even more, like running a command or script on the host while streaming stdout and stderr directly to the client. The package is based on libssh, a powerful C library implementing the SSH protocol....

Unconf18 projects 4: umapr, greta, roomba, proxy-bias-vignette, http caching

For the fourth and last day of project recaps from this year’s unconf, here is an overview of the next five projects. (Full set of project recaps: recap 1, recap 2, recap 3, recap 4.) In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages.  🔗 umapr Summary: umapr wraps the Python implementation of UMAP to make the algorithm accessible from within R, leveraging reticulate to interface with Python....

.rprofile: Julia Silge

Dr. Julia Silge [@juliasilge on Twitter] is a data scientist at Stack Overflow. We talked about why R brings Julia joy, her path to a career in data science and what it was like to co-write a book for O’Reilly Media. This interview occurred on February 3, 2018 at the RStudio Conference in San Diego. KO: What is your name, job title, and how long have you been using R?...

Unconf18 projects 3: jobstatus, motifator, QcodeR, opencv, trackmd

For day 3 of project recaps from this year’s unconf, here is an overview of the next five projects. Stay tuned for the last recap tomorrow. (Full set of project recaps: recap 1, recap 2, recap 3, recap 4.) In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages. Let’s dive into today’s 5 projects in focus!...

Unconf18 projects 2: middlechild, defender, ropsec, keybase

As part of our series summarizing all projects from this year’s unconf I’m excited to dive into all the security related offerings from this year. (Full set of project recaps: recap 1, recap 2, recap 3, recap 4.) In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages. 🔗 middlechild Summary: This package provides an R interface to the Man-in-the-middle (MITM) proxy and allows R users to intercept, modify, and introspect network traffic....

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