rOpenSci | Blog

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Greetings from Your Community Manager!

I feel both proud and privileged to join rOpenSci as your Community Manager. I’ve been a compulsive community builder since the early 2000’s, but it has rarely been part of my job description. Now it seems like all roads have led to this. After a couple of fine days of indoctrination at the UC Berkeley home of rOpenSci, I’m settled into work in beautiful Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. So much of my perspective of rOpenSci comes from being a newcomer....

Get air quality data for the United Kingdom using the rdefra package

Whether you are an environmental scientist, a pollution expert or just concerned about the air you breathe when cycling in the United Kingdom, the ropensci rdefra package can help find the information you need. This package gives you access to the UK-AIR database, hosted by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs in the United Kingdom, directly from R. The database comprises hundreds of air quality monitoring sites and each provides time series of concentration for different pollutants such as ozone, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides amongst others....

New package graphql: A GraphQL Query Parser

The new ropensci graphql package is now on CRAN. It implements R bindings to the libgraphqlparser C++ library to parse GraphQL syntax and export the syntax tree in JSON format: graphql2json("{ field(complex: { a: { b: [ $var ] } }) }") A syntax parser is perhaps not super useful to most end-users, but can be used to validate graphql queries or implement a GraphQL API in R. We hope to add more related functionality later on....

Hunspell 2.0: High-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker for R

A new version of the ropensci hunspell package has been released to CRAN. Hunspell is the spell checker library used by LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Mac OS-X, InDesign, Opera, RStudio and many others. It provides a system for tokenizing, stemming and spelling in almost any language or alphabet. The R package exposes both the high-level spell-checker as well as low-level stemmers and tokenizers which analyze or extract individual words from various formats (text, html, xml, latex)....

New in Magick 0.3

A new version of the ropensci magick package has been released to CRAN. Magick is a package for Advanced Image-Processing in R. It wraps the ImageMagick STL which is perhaps the most comprehensive open-source image processing library available today. Our original announcement has more details. 🔗 New features This new version now includes a beautiful vignette which gives an overview of the main functionality to get you started! It lists the various formats, transformations, effects, operations and much more....

Working together to push science forward

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