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Postdoctoral Scholar – Sustainable Software and Reproducible Research

The rOpenSci project based at the University of California, Berkeley seeks to hire a postdoctoral scholar to work on the research activities funded by the grant titled “Fostering the next generation of sustainable software and reproducible research practices in the scientific community”. The project develops open source software to promote reproducible research practices in the scientific community. The postdoctoral scholar will focus on a research topic aligned with their own interests in order to better understand and improve scientific software practices....

New package tokenizers joins rOpenSci

The R package ecosystem for natural language processing has been flourishing in recent days. R packages for text analysis have usually been based on the classes provided by the NLP or tm packages. Many of them depend on Java. But recently there have been a number of new packages for text analysis in R, most notably text2vec, quanteda, and tidytext. These packages are built on top of Rcpp instead of rJava, which makes them much more reliable and portable....

Advanced Image-Processing in R with Magick, Part I

The new magick package is an ambitious effort to modernize and simplify high-quality image processing in R. It wraps the ImageMagick STL which is perhaps the most comprehensive open-source image processing library available today. The ImageMagick library has an overwhelming amount of functionality. The current version of Magick exposes a decent chunk of it, but being a first release, documentation is still sparse. This post briefly introduces the most important concepts to get started....

rotl paper published

We are excited to announce a paper describing rotl, our package for the Open Tree of Life data, has been published. The full citation is: Michonneau, F., Brown, J. W. and Winter, D. J. (2016), rotl: an R package to interact with the Open Tree of Life data. Methods Ecol Evol. doi: The paper, which is freely available, describes the package and the data it wraps in detail. Rather than rehash the information here, we will use this post to briefly introduce the goals of the package and thank some of the people that helped it come to be....

Testing packages with R Travis for OS-X

Travis is a continuous integration service which allows for running automated testing code everytime you push to GitHub. Hadley’s book about R packages explains how and why R package authors should take advantage of this in their development process. 🔗 The build matrix Travis is now providing support for multiple operating systems, including Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) and various flavors of Mac OS-X. Jim Hester has done a great job of tweaking the travis R-language build script to automate building and checking of R packages on the various platforms....

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