🔗 General information
Full Name
Country: country of residence.
Pronouns: what pronouns do you use? (optional)
Language: what language(s) do you prefer for your communication during the training and mentoring calls?
GitHub or GitLab: please, provide link to your profile
Twitter: link to your profile (optional)
Website: link to your website (optional)
Affiliation: affiliations to university/institution/organization or other employer
Community: affiliations to communities (like R-Ladies, MiR, RSE Groups, LatinR, ReproHack, etc. or indicate NA)
[] Please, check if you self-identify as a member of a systematically excluded group from the open source software community.
How do you participate in the rOpenSci community? Please respond in a maximum of 200 words.
🔗 Expertise
Do you have experience developing or significantly contributing to R packages? Choose one option
No, I have not developed an R package
No, I have not developed an R package, but I contribute to one or more.
Yes, I have developed an R package, but I have not sent it to CRAN.
Yes, I have developed an R package, and it is published on CRAN.
Yes, I have developed an R package, and it went through the rOpenSci review process.
Do you have experience reviewing code?
No, I have not reviewed code.
No, I have not to reviewed code, but I went through the rOpenSci review process.
Yes, I have reviewed code for rOpenSci (or another organization).
Yes, I have been an editor for rOpenSci.
🔗 Mentoring information
Would you prefer to mentor a person that wants to: Choose all that apply
Develop a new package
Send their package through rOpenSci’s review process
Be a reviewer for rOpenSci
Why would you like to be a mentor for the rOpenSci champions program? Please respond in a maximum of 200 words.
Please share an example of when you successfully helped someone else. Please do not name the individual(s) - we’re only interested in learning about how you helped and what the outcome was.